Rent Calculator: How Much Rent Should I Charge?

Our new OpenRent Rent Calculator is the best way to instantly find the rental value of any property in the UK!
In a few seconds, we’ll calculate a super-accurate rental price for your UK property, using millions of data-points.

Just enter your details below!

OpenRent Conical OpenRent Conical
OpenRent Cog OpenRent Cog OpenRent Cog

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£ 0

Per Month

Estimated Range



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Update more assumptions to gain even more accuracy

The following set of assumptions have been made to make the pricing tool fast and fairly accurate. Amend the following and recalculate to get more accuracy.



Well Maintained

High Spec




OpenRent Conical OpenRent Conical


About the Rent Calculator

Our team of data scientists have created the most advanced way to find how much rent to charge for any house or flat in the UK. Using a huge range of data points, you can now find average rent by postcode in just a few seconds!

Landlords can set the right rental price first time, and tenants can check what they're likely to have to pay for a particular property with our totally independent Rent Calculator valuation tool.

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Rent Calculator stats

Cheapest town in the UK


Most expensive town (outside London)


Most expensive London borough


Average UK rent


Average London rent
