Smart Rent Collection

Enable Rent Collection

Peace of mind during your tenancy

We've handled over £1.2 billion in rent and deposit payments for over 6.7 million landlords and tenants, with client money protection to ensure your money and the tenants' money is always protected.

Our position as the UK's biggest letting agent gives you the best tooling to make sure your rent arrives on time, every time.

Smart Rent Collection

Monthly Payment:

£10(VAT exempt)

  • We directly transfer you any rental money received without delay
  • We monitor for and chase late payments automatically
  • Relax knowing your rent has been received, or is being chased
  • Dashboard showing the payment status in real-time
  • Save hours of admin work
  • Keep your bank details private
  • Cancel Rent Collection any time - no quibble

Total Peace of Mind

Our smart rent collection service is designed to take the admin, pain, and any awkwardness out of chasing for rent payments.

OpenRent will provide support if a tenant fails to meet their obligations, as well as give you a clear dashboard and history for all rent payments to make sure you don't miss anything.

We also don't hold funds, and pass money directly to your bank account as it lands.

OpenRent Landlord
5 Stars

"Would highly recommend"

"I love OpenRent,
with rental collection everything is made super easy."

  • Who is eligible for Rent Collection?

  • How does it work?

  • What if a tenant is late on rent?

  • How are my bank details kept private?

  • Does Rent Collection impact the tenants' credit score?