In order to make sure our landlords don't fall foul of the law, OpenRent has teamed up with energy assessors up and down the UK.
We use our position as the UK’s biggest letting agent to negotiate incredibly low pricing for our 7.2 million landlords and tenants.
One-off payment from
£69 Inc. VAT
Our landlord services are designed to ensure you meet your legal obligations quickly, cheaply and with as little fuss as possible. We only use highly qualified EPC assessors, so you can be sure your property is in the best hands.
If an assessor is not available on your required date or time, we will give you a full refund. Our customer support team is ready to deal with any questions and queries.
Purchase Energy Performance Certificate NowLandlords in the UK must have an EPC obtained once every 10 years. In Scotland, an EPC must be obtained prior to advertising, whereas in the rest of the UK an EPC must be in the process of being obtained during advertising, and then provided to tenants on move-in.
Since April 2018 it is illegal to rent any residential or commercial property in England or Wales with an EPC Rating below E.
An EPC is valid for 10 years.
Your EPC needs to accurately reflect information about your property at the time you apply, so if you’ve undertaken construction work on your property you may need to get a new EPC to ensure it reflects the properties current circumstances.
The EPC rating tells you how energy efficient your property is and gives it a rating from A to G (A being most energy efficient).